We are a live, vibrant, bible based, Holy Spirit led contemporary church, part of the Australian Christian Churches. Encounter City Church is located in the northern suburbs of Perth. Our style of worship and preaching is honest, real, relevant and exciting, with a focus on our community, Perth and the world.
‘Our vision is to be a church that is significant, impacting, radical, loving and unrelenting in its pursuit of GOD’s presence, purpose and power! An influential, diverse group of people in multiple locations creating opportunities to encounter GOD!’
‘To reach out and equip committed followers of Jesus Christ who are victorious and productive members of their communities around the world!’
Encounter City Church is a ‘breathless’ church that is not a crowd but a united group of passionate followers of Christ who live by eight core values.
‘To reach out and equip committed followers of Jesus Christ who are victorious and productive members of their communities around the world!’
To find out more of what we believe click the link below.